Dream Catcher Photography - Family Photographer serving Winston Salem, Greensboro and Kernersville

Newborn and Family Photographer, Dream Catcher Photography Learn about me and my experience with Newborn Photography serving Winston Salem, Greensboro and Kernersville known for her classic and timeless style.

Newborn Photographer in Greensboro, NC

Newborn Photographer in Winston Salem, NC

Newborn Photographer in Stokesdale, NC

Family Photographer in Greensboro, NC

Family Photographer in Winston Salem, NC

Family Photographer in Stokesdale, NC

Birth Photographer in Greensboro, NC

Birth Photographer in Winston Salem, NC

Birth Photographer in Stokesdale, NC

Hey there, I’m Cheyenne, and this is me with my family. From left to right there’s Bella, myself, Jaxon, My husband - Kyle, Titus, and Micah. My family is very important to me. I love being their mom and his wife. It makes up who I am. Our house can sometimes get a little chaotic and wild (and super messy in a matter of minutes) but it keeps life fun and sweet - and me very busy.

Me and Kyle had our wedding ceremony on Folly Beach in Charleston, SC. It’s one of our favorite places to go! The photo of us together was taken there during our anniversary session.

My love for photography started young. As a kid I loved using disposable cameras and my Grandma’s Polaroid to snap photos. As a teen I became curious about how to create “pretty” photos and how to edit them. My mom had a big camera that made really nice photos and wrote them to floppy disks. Yeah, you read that right. I looked them up on the internet for the fun of it and they still are being sold on ebay. You know you want one. Selective color was also a super popular editing technique at that time, circa 2005. Which is actually a cringe worthy technique in modern times. Moving on. I then graduated to the popular point and shoot and held onto it for a few years. Having my first child really made me desire a DSLR camera, so I finally bought one in 2012. Over time, I acquired knowledge from the internet, other people, and a lot of trial and error. I then bought a professional DSLR camera and began my minor in photography at UNCG. I started my photography business in 2017 with the encouragement of my husband. It’s been a fun journey so far. I love being able to capture priceless memories for people to treasure forever.

Photo by White Rust Photography

Photo by White Rust Photography

Photo by Emily Meeks Photography

Photo by Emily Meeks Photography

Photo by Megan Travis Photography

Photo by Megan Travis Photography